The machine was running Windows 7, Sql Server 2008, and Grails 1.3.4. I was using the jTDS JDBC Driver 1.2.5 to connect to the database (just drop the jar in the lib directory). After searching for about 30 minutes, I found that TCP/IP access in SQL Server 2005/2008 is disabled by default.
To enable it, you can do this:
SQL Server Configuration Manager
-->SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration
-->IP Address
-->TCP port
You'll need to enable it, set the port, set the IP, then restart the SQLServer service.
Here is what my DataSource.groovy looks like:
dataSource { pooled = true driverClassName ="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver" dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect" } hibernate { cache.use_second_level_cache=true cache.use_query_cache=true cache.provider_class="com.opensymphony.oscache.hibernate.OSCacheProvider" connection.pool_size=10 } // environment specific settings environments { development { dataSource { url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://laptop_win7:1433;databaseName=gpay_DEV" username = "GPayAdmin" password = "MyPassword123!" } } }