In this example, I am updating the [aspnet_Membership] table, but I want to join the [aspnet_Users] table so I can do it user UserName. This script allows me to set the password of a user to my password so I can log in as that user. This is done by updating the ASP.NET Membership table. I would need to store the [Password] and [PasswordSalt] of this account if I wanted to change it back.
SET m.[Password] = 'mrhLMUfIWCuTHDwOtm1s/I9ABMQsS=='
, m.[PasswordSalt] = 'suyp+Nsd2lmMPpQ=='
FROM [dnnDB].[dbo].[aspnet_Membership] m
JOIN [dnnDB].[dbo].[aspnet_Users] u on m.UserId = u.UserId
AND u.UserName in
, 'SecondUser'
, 'ThirdUser'